Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Recent Integrations - Mark Hamilton's Level 1 Meeting

Level 10 Thoughts

Hi Mark. Level 10 was another great level to watch and more confirmation that biological immortality is possible through value creation. I would like to share some of my own thoughts and experiences that are part of my own super puzzle. I believe value creation has the ability to stop your brain from aging and can possibly grow a younger brain when... [Read more...]

Master Apprentices

I am looking forward to becoming a mentor to lower-level apprentices. I will meet the challenges of misconceptions of instant wealth, etc., using Power Thinking. I found it interesting linking the problem solving of the Founding Fathers with those of the Society of Secrets. It felt good for Mark Hamilton to say that we are becoming the geniuses of the... [Read more...]

Integration for Level 10

What a simulating and emotional thought of finally becoming a Mentor after 12 meetings with you, Mark! What awesome information you have taught me with the beautiful literature you have shared, transforming me into an integrated, value thinker using power thinking acquired during the process. Thank you for revealing the issues of money and wealth that... [Read more...]

Level 10 integration

I just finished watching Level 10! I have somehow been so busy that I watch it (and take notes) at night. I have thought of some things for my Intro and Workshop meetings and will have to make it a priority to actually video and post them! I looked into Clubhouses last year and there are some on the opposite side of the State; I want to look into it... [Read more...]

Lvl 10

All they do is fight for power in politics. People’s welfare dosen’t enter into it at all. They litterally don’t care how many people die to fulfil their agenda. This country is anything but free. ROM made sure of that. My book is written. Now for the footwork. I delayed my intro mtg till it was done. Plus, no salons open! I need some... [Read more...]

Lvl 10

Hi!! I did it! Finally figured out how to teach this to my grown children. So simple. Draw the puzzles so they can see what I see. Draw puzzle outline first, writing main goal within it’s boundaries. Below it, draw puzzle pieces, labeled inside their outline also. Continue pattern, until pieces can’t be divided into seperate puzzles by themselves.... [Read more...]

Good Stuff

Hi Mark, Bravo to you and the core Neothink team for your courageous undertaking and epic movement. I always knew that there were others like me out there! I am all in with the plan to make this nation great again, set people free from the yoke of tyranny, and enter the new age of Grace and Prosperity. It is coming! I am reaching out to you to see if... [Read more...]

Lvl 10

This just gets better and better! Tape an intro meeting with testimony?Sounds like a blast! Giving baby open heart surgery and transplant lectures to nurses and doctors was taped. I’ve given testimony more times than I can remember. So the integration of taping, testimony and Neothink is so exciting! I’ll even let my daughter do my makeup.She... [Read more...]

Level 10 Integrations

Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton, with each lesson I feel closer to the C of U than before. What stood out the most in this Essence Meeting was the important role the TVP has (will have) in order for us to reach the tipping point where we can tip over into the C of U and have our much better service based government. We are getting closer to the C of U, witnessing... [Read more...]

Level 10

Wow, even for a short meeting, this was packed with a lot of information. Can’t wait. I know the money wealth will take time to come my way. At this point, I am wealthier in other ways.  [Read more...]

Welcome to Your Level 10 Meeting Integrations.

Hi! My name is Rollie.

I am your assigned Senior Mentor for this level.

I am here to assist you with any questions you may have during this level of your journey with Mark Hamilton.

Look for my comments below your Integration in the "Speak with Your Mentor" Section of the page.

Thank you,