Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Best One Yet

September 30, 2012 by tdomf_126d9  
Filed under Integrations

This was awesome. It’s hard to put into words and I don’t wish to talk much and say little, but I will give it a shot.

This meeting was much different in that Mark was different in the sense that I could tell he felt less constrained by the limits our stage of development would put on what he could say. I have noticed that Mark repeats himself between the meetings and the literature and in the literature itself. Repetition is a great way to get a point across and make it stick in the mind of your listener. This whole journey has been absolutely brilliant as I think I am finally beginning to see how Mark is getting this mind to think as a self-leader. I have a different brain chemistry and it is hard just to focus and stay positive, let alone get to where I think like the past geniuses of society. But I think it is beginning to happen. I think I can best explain by addressing the money issue.

We live in a microwave society now, where each successive generation has a greater sense of entitlement – this “you-owe-it-to-me-to-give-me-what-I-want-and-give-it-to-me-right-now” dynamic. If you approach Neothink with this dynamic, you are doomed to fail. Why? Because becoming a SELF-leader – the person who can create value, be it a business, health advance or art, to use examples – is a process that has to take place inside YOURSELF. Only YOU ultimately can make it happen because you are unique. No one will ever approach this journey in the way and at the rate of speed you will. It will take work and it may hurt at times because it requires growth and it will require you using your power of choice that no one else can use for you. YOU will have to choose to do what you must do to make this happen for you, and if you don’t know what that is, you must find out. There are those in the Society who can help you, but you, like me, are a horse – a horse you can lead to water, but you can’t make it drink.

When times were very dark for me and the depression I always have to fight almost overcame me, I had to ask myself, How bad do you want to survive? How bad do you want to get better? I would ask anyone worried about the money, How bad do you want it? Do you want it bad enough to do what it will take? There are no shortcuts. Just do the work.

Mark – Thank you for pursuing your Friday Night Essence of sharing with others how to become a self-leader over several decades and giving us the prime literature. I have looked at many different systems to get out of the chains of the anticivilization and get to my dreams of writing and performing music which would draw from my own experiences to help others, and I expect that’s how you found me. In all those other things I have tried, and all those books I have read, I have not found anything that has affected and changed me such as your writings and those of Dr. Wallace. Neothink has given me something to fight with, if you will – hope. I will be sure to do my assignment and read the Miss Annabelle story again. It is an unforgettable story, particularly so for me as it came to me at a very dark time. Consequently, I cried a lot when I read it, but that was a good thing in that if you can still feel, you are still alive, still able to strive, to make an effort to work things out or make them better so you can get past where you are if it is bad. That was almost a year ago exactly. I am not where I want to be yet, but I have progressed much since then. I am writing songs again and re-writing some I had written before, and working again on my instruments. There is a place not far from here that does “open mic” nights and I plan to do a performance now that my short-term memory is doing better. I am also working on a business and have engaged a life coach to ensure I do not get off track if I have a bad ADD episode. I have resolved that I will succeed this time or die trying, but I will never give up again or think my dream “just wasn’t meant to be” or any other such nonsense. This journey has been very hard to grasp at times, felt like deja vu others and common sense at others. But before you wrote me, I had stagnated and gone through my mid-life crisis as I saw that I had given my life, given my all up to that point – and for what? It certainly wasn’t for me or my dream. I had nothing to show for all of it except that I had learned a great deal. As you mentioned in this meeting, I want to give back to the Society and trust I will make it happen somehow soon. Thanks again.

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