Sunday, January 19, 2025

Document to Level-Ten Apprentices integration

July 22, 2013 by tdomf_126d9  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you, Mark! You are bringing us closer to imagining what the C of U could actually become!

How quaint that government systems employees will find it necessary to create value that we, the People, will be willing to pay for…..and will pay gladly for their “protection only” services in the C of U….directly opposite of our being held in disdain by many government employees in the anti-civilization of today. 🙂 Those employees are, of course, reflecting the attitude of their employers, I recognize.

Yvonne Janson

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Document to Level-Ten Apprentices integration”
  1. Hello Charlie,

    How do I post something in the Health section of the website. I tried to post but was not successful.

    I also have a poem that was appropriate for the 4th of July to post to the art section and tried to get in contact with someone before the 4th to post it. Because of our political movement, I think it might still be used any time of year. Is it appropriate to post it in my integrations to Mark? It is titled “Future America” or “A Walk Across America”. I wrote it in 1987 along with about 10 more and have never written another one since.

    I was living in 2 places at the time…..traveling back and forth every week. It was an emotional time and the poems came to me as I was driving.

    A few months ago, my daughter compiled a scrap book of my poems and illustrated each one beautifully. I have been thinking it could be a published book, ready to go by photographing each page. I could then offer it for sale.

    Thanks for your help!

    [do not post your phone number on the internet – moderator]

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