Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Level 10

June 12, 2012 by tdomf_126d9  
Filed under Integrations

Sorry Mark! I had gotten behind and had to go thru Level 9 and Level 10 in the last two weeks. I am now caught up and have been reading your emails as I receive them and will try to catch up with all the latest Neothink Society news and happenings. I would have liked for my wife and I to attended the world summit in chicago but it was not financially possible. I just purchased Eric Savage’s 5 CD Audio Course, “Fountain Of Youth”, out of desperation of age related health problems of both my wife and myself. I truly could not afford the price unless it does all that Mister Savage says it will do. I am putting alot of faith in it working! Now i need to know,do you really believe the TVP Presidental and Vice Presidential Candidates can win the 2012 November election. If so, when is the latest they can get on the ballot? Is that enough time to be successful? I have been a dedicated democrat (not liberal) all of my life (Also a union man during my working life)and I am ready to vote Independent in november for the TVP candidates. By the way, I found Levels 9 & 10 to be very exciting as well as Levels 1 thru 8. I have enjoyed them all very much and hope I have absorbed them completely. I know you have said that your Level 10 apprentices are all becoming geniuses but I sure do not feel it or see it in myself. I still do not know my FNE, have FSM’s, know how to integrate, power think, or see or build picture puzzles through my concious mind, to my knowledge. I sure hope that you do! Gary (m.i)

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One Response to “Level 10”
  1. Ignatius Akaruru says:

    Hi to all,
    I also support to what our member mention above to all the different level of meeting on how each one or level help and change you as you go through each level. The way I see it, That every one should go back to it even if you finish it. I find it to be powerful to go through it again as it put you on track so you can reach your goal in life. Well Keep Up the Very Good Work to All Neothink Society and TVP Party.

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