Friday, March 7, 2025

Thank You MH

June 9, 2010 by tdomf_126d9  
Filed under Integrations

I just wanted to say thank you MH for bypassing the easy money that I’m sure you could’ve gotten for all of the wonderful literature and value that we, as members receive for peanuts. I have personally come to realize that you cannot and should not measure value by the $ signs but rather the value you get from creating something. You’re absolutely right, I may not ever make a ton of money by my FNE but it brings me joy. The joy of maybe opening up people’s minds to a new way of looking at things.

My FNEs are puzzle solving and teaching. I love to look at other points of view and disect them to try to grasp how they could have come to their conclusions. A big puzzle for me has everything to do with the prime literature and how these heroes to the AC became that elevated. I have done 100’s of hours of research on those villians and have come to this integration, so far. The AC loves a maverick, no matter how misguided. When one comes along and actually promotes the powers of the day, the ruling class loves it. Propaganda is still a very valuable tool for them. It is sad that the AC can make heroes out of villians and turn true heroes into villians but I can now see with honest eyes who the true villians are. One important rule I try to live by in the AC is to never get caught up in the politics of the day. Who cares what this group or that group feels about the price of tea in China, because there is always a bigger picture that they do not want you to see. I can see and I care. That’s where the TVP comes in.

I applaud your efforts in the clean approach to the Neothink Society. At first I was deeply disappointed at the fact that we would not be set up in the MLM concept, but after thinking long and hard about it, my opinion has changed. Although the MLM concept can be very great at generating money for all of us, I can also see that it would undermind the importance of the TVP. In the long run I think it would have taken longer to achieve our “superpuzzle” had we gone down that road. I love the Society and where we are going. I love the fact that we will free the world. This meeting has opened my eyes to one more thing, as well.

I read the forums and literature on the secret website but have not posted anything in months. I think I was waiting to become a fully integrated answering machine. I wanted to become perfect before I posted anything again. Perfectionism is a small trait that I picked up from good ol’ Mom. After this meeting it struck me that this really is a journey and although I can never be perfect I can share my integrations because they may just help other members out. I will once again be more active on the forums, although sometimes my integrations are taken out of context and maybe that’s because I need to explain myself a little better. I just have this thought in my head that other people can see what I see and I am very blunt about my integrations.

So, once again, Thank you MH for giving me a place where I can be blunt and not judged. And thank you for pointing all of us on the only way we can free this world.

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