Saturday, January 18, 2025

We Are Building A New Civilization

July 4, 2010 by tdomf_126d9  
Filed under Integrations

Another secret meeting full of wonders. I Cherish every one. With each meeting my mind becomes clearer and clearer. I love it. I see common denominators everyday now. Just today I saw a common denominator with the stockholm syndrome, wife beaters, neocheaters, and totalitarian societies.

In this meeting I learned that value creation is a human need. Also, creation is the solution to intense competition for jobs. This new perspective reiminds me of those anti-drug tv commercials that said “this is your brain on drugs.” The same commercial would be accurate if the words “on drugs” were replaced with “without value creation”. Happily, I am beginning to break into value creation. I have many projects and goals I want to accomplish. It seems like too many. Therefore, I no longer sleep in on the weekends. I also no longer play computer/video games all the time. Because there is so much I want to do and create.

I am very glad Mark explained the sales letter more and talked about money. I am always fascinated by those sales letters. When I first read the one sent to me, it shook my world. And about money, well, I was one of those people expecting a financial windfall. How did I change? I realized, through the prime literature and these meetings, that I could have something much better: the ability to create values. And that money is a result of that creation. Yes, money is good, but creating values is better.

Also glad he said, explained, and gave some proof that the apprentices are becoming the geniuses of society. Because maybe many anti-civ people (and maybe we ourselves subconsciously) if they looked at the apprentices wouldn’t recognize this and perhaps think we are misfits or something similar at first glance. For example, MH said the scholars he met had much bigger vocabulary than us. But we are smarter than they. That is good to know.

The 12 visions gov’t is absolutely mind-blowingly amazing: a gov’t of service and not of power. Can’t wait till we actualize this. I now live in a country where there is a lot more gov’t in society. No escape from it. And the workers for this gov’t are unfriendly, unhelpful, and their products or services are of low quality.

He said in the c of u mankind is one living being. During times of war or similar common bad experiences the people involved become as one. Which is why soldiers who fight together feel like brothers. Likewise, We (humanity) are facing a similar threat: aging and death.

On how to deal with disappointed apprentices: by first remembering ourselves and our own disappointments with NTS/NTP. I know I had felt this several times myself. Remembering this will help me to be patient with other apprentices who feel similarly, from which I can explain to them my own past disappointments and why I was mistaken or misunderstood NTS. Also, the lower apprentices like all of us have been mislead by the anti-civ. So to a certain extent, potential disappointments, although mistaken, are not their fault. We are all victims of the Anti-Civ.

He said that expressing the benefits I got and bringing out my emotional expresion is my best aproach to grow the NTS. Reminds me of a prophetic message I recieved when I was a Christian which said something like,”of your heart, the Lord will use your head but it is your heart”.

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